Submersible pumps are principally uses in those cases where the lowest pumping water level is beyond the reach of a normal centrifugal pump, piston pump and especially a turbine pump, its slender construction enables the submersible pump to operate in a small and crooked borewells. It replaces the old system of syphon pipes consequently the ground water level can be lowered giving a higher yield with increased operational safety. It can also be installed horizontally in a river bed. In India submersible pumps are generally used for agricultural purposes. They can also be used with advantage of industrial purposes.
--> 1. Easy To Install :-
--> The installation requires on foundation the unit with pipe is held by a supporting clamp which rests on the upper edge or the casting pipe. In place of a normal pump house there is a small well head covered with a lid which prevents impurities contaminating the water .
--> 2. No Suction Trouble :-
As the pump works below water level the water flows automatically and no suction difficulties arise. There are no glands, hence no leakage in the pump.
--> 3. No Maintenance :-
As the bearings are water lubricated no periodical oiling or greasing is needed.
--> 4. Noiseless Operation:-
As the pump is of centrifugal design, it is almost noiseless in operation and works deep down in the well and hence there is no pumping noise to disturb a household.
--> 5. High Efficiency – Economical :-
The overall efficiency of submersible pump is higher than that of an ordinary shaft type pump. The higher the pump efficiency, the lower its power consumption, which in turn means lower power costs. A submersible pump does not always operate under a constant load but it operates over a range of loads and hence the motor performance varies within reasonably defined limits.
Consequently rated output of the submersible motor has to be high enough to avoid over loading during the period it operates on maximum load. The pump can be controlled manually or automatically depending on the type of installation.